Thursday, August 2, 2018

Yoga Mats Wholesaler in Bangalore - Yoga poses for the elderly

Yoga is not only good for the young ones or adults but for the seniors and elderly as well. The benefits of Yoga for the elderly are many. And if you are afraid of performing Yoga being an elderly, fret not, for a number of easy poses of Yoga could be easily performed by you that would keep you fit and healthy. You are only required to get the yoga mat from the Yoga Mats Wholesaler in Bangalore and get going with the Asana:

1.Mountain Pose:

This pose helps with the balance and grounding. Just stand tall with your toes and heels together and try to draw your abdominals in. Relax the shoulders back and down and breathe in 5-8 breaths whilst you are engaged in your leg muscles.

Yoga Mats Wholesaler in Bangalore

2. Tree Pose:

The tree pose is considered to be amazing for the abdominal and leg strength. This helps the elderly to do a good balance and concentration. All you are required to do is to stand tall such that you place a foot on the opposite inner thigh – either below or above your knee. Now, open your leg on to the side and try bringing your hands to prayer. Hold the pose for 5-8 breaths.

3.Bird Dog:

Kneel and stretch your arm forth and your opposite leg back. Imagine having a tea cup on to your back and draw the belly button towards your spine. Breathe and switch the sides. Repeat for 5 times.

4.Downward Facing Dog:

Stand on your hands and knees such that you tuck the toes under and lift the hips back and up until the body forms a triangular shape. Make the use of your core strength and legs in order to bring the weight back as much as possible. Hold for 5-8 breaths and repeat twice.

Get the best yoga mats from Yoga Mats Wholesaler in Bangalore and try performing these exercises on them.

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