Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Why interlocking mats are the best for practicing Kabaddi moves?

Kabaddi is a sport which is played and celebrated throughout the world. In recent times, this sport has achieved much popularity. As a result, a number of people today look forward to practicing this sport. 

The use of Kabaddi interlocking mats in India to practice your Kabaddi moves is highly suggested. This is because these mats carry with them a number of advantages. Below listed are a few advantages of practicing all your Kabaddi moves on an interlocking mat:

  1.  The Kabaddi interlocking mats in India are easy to install. You do not necessarily need to call a professional for help to install these mats. You can do it all by yourself.
  2.  Kabaddi interlocking mats are easy in terms of maintenance. They only demand timely cleaning and vacuuming. If the cleaning process is well maintained, these mats could be used for a longer time period.
  3.  The composition of Kabaddi interlocking mats is such that they sustain all kinds of force and pressure that you use on them. Thus, they promise a good deal of longevity in terms of their use. You can practice even the hardest moves on these mats.
  4.  Since these interlocking mats are composed of the substances like PVC or rubber, they make sure that you do not end up hurting yourself while practicing all kinds of moves of Kabaddi. Thus, you protect yourself from bearing serious injuries.
  5.   One of the unique advantages of using Kabaddi interlocking mats in India is that they could be recycled easily. Thus, these mats are environment-friendly as well.
Kabaddi interlocking mats 
                 Buy kabaddi interlocking mats and practice your kabaddi moves on them. 

Monday, February 18, 2019

Why You Need The Interlocking Mats For Kids Play Area

The kids bring to us immense happiness and joy and require our vigilant efforts to grow up properly and safely. Parents and guardians should see to it that the play area of the kids is devoid of surfaces, materials, and substances that can cause injury and harm them. Fortunately, the new interlocking mats are available today, and these mats offer to cushion and support, thereby preventing any kind of injury to the small ones.

Cover Play Area Of Any Size

Because of their interlocking design, you can buy the interlocking mats in suitable quantities and sizes, and cover any ground surface/area by assembling the individual portions. You can now make a ground surface entirely safe for kids and prevent stress, injury, and impact affecting their tender and soft bodies. Kids often suffer from injuries, spasms and sprains, and the impacts often affect the elbow, arms, legs, feet, back, or ankles. The new interlocking mats that contain high density and quality EVA foam provide ample of cushioning to the body and the child does not suffer from any injury even after a fall when he or she plays on the interlocking mats.


The interlocking mats are also beneficial for the adults and the versatile mats can be used to practice yoga, judo, gymnastics, karate and many other kinds of physical sports and exercises. You can save on cost easily when you use the mats for securing/covering any ground surface.

The new interlocking mats for kids are also a more hygienic way to play, and the kids remain free from diseases when they play on this mould and mildew resistant mats. The Japanese synthetic rubber that is used for manufacturing the mats is highly durable and last for years and decades while requiring no maintenance.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Benefits of buying Kabaddi Interlocking Mats - clonko

Kabaddi is the most exciting and popular game in South Asia. It is also the street game of India that is enjoyed in different states like Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Maharashtra, etc. Good quality of Kabaddi Interlocking Mats is now available in the markets that come up with various benefits. These mats are available in different color options, quality, shapes, sizes that ensure of reliability and safety of players. Kabaddi Interlocking Mats prevent injuries and make this game more comfortable and convenient for players.

With the use of Kabaddi Interlocking Mats, the beauty of the playground is enhanced and players along with audience experience more pleasure than normal grounds. Along with the above benefits, Kabaddi Interlocking Mats also comes up with benefits that make this game more interesting and safe for players. All you need is to look for the long-lasting, durable and feature-rich mat. You can get these Kabaddi Interlocking Mats in different thickness, high-quality materials and even can be used on both sides. 

Thus, for covering the extensive area of the kabaddi ground, , are best suited. They are available at a reasonable rate and in different quality options. These mats best cover the inch by inch of the ground and offer great comfort to players along with complete safety. Kabaddi InterlockingMats provides a best anti-skid surface that further reduces injuries and enhance the pleasure of the gameplay. The best thickness easily absorbs the shock and reduces the chances of injuries. Thus, purchase the required mat and enjoy the game.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

What are the benefits of using Yoga Mats? -

Even if you are a beginner and just started doing yoga, there is one thing that you will need for sure and that is a good quality yoga mat. This is because there are many benefits of using Yoga Mats; it not only helps in giving comfort while performing the various poses but also has a great impact on your spiritual journey towards wellness. So let us begin the benefits of Yoga Mats. Scroll down and check out:

  • When you use Yoga Mats you will experience that a lot of energy gets lost to floor in the   form   of heat that is generated by the body. You need to keep the body warm while doing   various   poses  of yoga. SO, when you have a yoga mat, the energy in the form of heat is not   wasted   towards floor                                                                                                                     
    Yoga Mats- Clonko.Com
  • When you do yoga, sweat is released and this sweat can have bacterial infection that can cause   skin problems. Also, in a lot of places floors are not cleaned properly so there are germs   which can be harmful for your skin if you do yoga on the floor without the Yoga Mats, in a   class. 
  • Yoga Mats gives the required cushion while you perform your yoga poses and you don’t feel  that discomfort and you can enjoy your experience even more. Doing it on bare floor can make your body feel the pain and this will surely sour the experience.
  •  Having YogaMats during yoga practice is a great way to keep your position and posture   perfect.   

Thursday, September 13, 2018

How to prevent injuries at the gym?

Gyms are common places where people often get injured. Use of improper workout gears, faulty workout forms, etc., are a few reasons for the incidences of injuries. But, if one stays alert and keep certain things in mind, he can prevent injuries at the gym.



You must workout only under the guidance of trainers or an experienced coach. Trainers know the proper forms and the exercises that are best for you. They keep all the safety measures in mind while training a person. You must make it a point to work out only in the presence of a trainer.


Many gym goers hate the idea of warm-up before working out.

The warm-up is quite necessary. Warm-up prepares the muscles for strenuous workout sessions. It raises the temperature of the body and improves the blood flow to the muscles. Hence, it is quite important.


Generally, every gym uses mat flooring covering the entire area of the gym. The Fitness Mats Delhi offer a comfortable surface to the gym goers. The mats are made of EVA foam or rubber.

They provide a soft surface to the feet. Also, the Fitness Mats Delhi features an anti-slipping surface texture. Hence, the mats prevent slipping and sliding and so, the injuries.


Your workout attire should be prim and perfect. Wear apt training shoes while working out or you will subject your feet to injury. Also, wear comfortable t-shirts and stretchable tights to the gym. While working out, your focus should always on the exercises and not on your lower that does not allow you to flex your legs.

Proper gym gear ensures proper form, gait, and stance.


You must understand that your muscles to need some time to take rest and recover. If you do not allow them to recover, you will subject yourself to injuries.

Original Source:

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Yoga Mats Wholesaler in Bangalore - Yoga poses for the elderly

Yoga is not only good for the young ones or adults but for the seniors and elderly as well. The benefits of Yoga for the elderly are many. And if you are afraid of performing Yoga being an elderly, fret not, for a number of easy poses of Yoga could be easily performed by you that would keep you fit and healthy. You are only required to get the yoga mat from the Yoga Mats Wholesaler in Bangalore and get going with the Asana:

1.Mountain Pose:

This pose helps with the balance and grounding. Just stand tall with your toes and heels together and try to draw your abdominals in. Relax the shoulders back and down and breathe in 5-8 breaths whilst you are engaged in your leg muscles.

Yoga Mats Wholesaler in Bangalore

2. Tree Pose:

The tree pose is considered to be amazing for the abdominal and leg strength. This helps the elderly to do a good balance and concentration. All you are required to do is to stand tall such that you place a foot on the opposite inner thigh – either below or above your knee. Now, open your leg on to the side and try bringing your hands to prayer. Hold the pose for 5-8 breaths.

3.Bird Dog:

Kneel and stretch your arm forth and your opposite leg back. Imagine having a tea cup on to your back and draw the belly button towards your spine. Breathe and switch the sides. Repeat for 5 times.

4.Downward Facing Dog:

Stand on your hands and knees such that you tuck the toes under and lift the hips back and up until the body forms a triangular shape. Make the use of your core strength and legs in order to bring the weight back as much as possible. Hold for 5-8 breaths and repeat twice.

Get the best yoga mats from Yoga Mats Wholesaler in Bangalore and try performing these exercises on them.